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Emma샘 10/7 수업 복습

2022-10-07 23:53
수업 자료
Random Questions: Movie

(1) 수업 때 배운 표현 정리
코로나 이전과 비교하면 20% 정도 올랐어요.
Compared to before COVID-19, it's increased by 20%
물가가 오르다
The price has gone up.

(2) 수업과 관련된 기사나 글 읽고 공부
propagate 전파/선전하다
- These movies, designed especially for younger audience propagates more, novel forms of violence.
abusive 욕하는, 폭력적인
- Previously only intimate scenes constituted to A grade classification of movies, but thankfully now abusive language and action is also considered.
infiltrator 잠입자
- You may consider it normal for your kid to run around the house shooting at every other imaginary infiltrator, however the impact of violence portrayed in movies have far more effects.
restrictive 제한/구속하는
- TV not only makes a toddler who is supposed to be exploring the world restrictive, but also curbs the creativity level and making them passive.
mischief 나쁜 짓, 장난
inadvertently 무심코
- Violent movies may inadvertently promote notorious mischief in young minds as heroes often go unpunished and jeer at authorities.
correlate (밀접한) 연관성이 있다
- A number of studies have correlated violent scenes with delinquent behavior involving fights.

(3) 수업 때 대화했던 내용 중 주제를 하나 정하여 작문
Do you think action movies are bad for children?
In Korea, there's an expression that parents are the mirror of thier children.
This means that children can imitate easily what happens around them.
If children are exposed to action movies including frequent violent scenes, they may have a chance to imitate them.
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