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[Advanced] The Science of Productivity

2018-10-11 01:31

오늘의 열공학생 비디오는 The Science of Productivity 입니다. ^^

영상에서 나온 새로운 표현과 좋은 문장들이 영상 아래에 정리 되어있습니다.

한달에 한번, 열공학생 콘텐츠를 통해 열~심히 공부해주신 분 한분을 뽑아 5000포인트를 넣어드립니다! ^^


댓글에서 자유롭게 써주세요.

 - 퀴즈에 대한 답

 - 새로 배운 또 다른 단어

 - 딕테이션한 문장 

 - 이해가 되지 않는 질문(매니저들 뿐 아니라 서로 대답해주세요!) 


오늘도 열심히 영어공부 해보아요! ♥


[New expressions]


★come to terms with something 

to begin to understand, accept, and deal with a difficult situation.

Ex) The first thing to come to terms with is that your willpower is simply not enough. 


★use up

to consume or use all of something 

Ex) Some studies suggest that willpower is an exhaustable source, that can be entirely used up.



arranged in regular, systematic order

Ex) Instead of convincing yourself to simply try harder a more methodical approach is suggested. 



to reduce the strength of a feeling, action, etc...

Ex) Instead of diluting their effort over the entire day they have periods of intense work followed by breaks. 



a particular way of operating or organizing a business, etc

Ex) Studies have found that the most elite violinists in the world generally follow ninety minute work regime with a fifteen to twenty minute break afterwards. 


★on top of something

in addition to 

Ex) On top of this, created something called an accountability chart to document your progress. 



making you feel slightly frightened or worried

Ex) Your brain will find these less daunting and it will make the starting process easier. 


★soar to new heights(soar to great heights)

to become higher than ever before

Ex) With a clear goal and action plan in mind, your productivity levels can soar to new heights. 



Q. What is the Zeigarnik effect?

Q. How the most of the elite musicians in the world manage their time? 

Q. According to this video, is multitasking good or bad for productivity?


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