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[intermediate] 6 Tips on How to Have a Strong Relationship

2018-10-25 04:34

intimacy 친밀감
a state of having a close personal relationship with someone

EX ) Relationships that lack emotional intimacy are often characterized by a lack of trust, poor communication, secrets, and hidden emotions.


vulnerable 취약한, 연약한

someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt

EX) He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.


cuddle 껴안다

to hold someone or something very close to you with your arms around them, especially to show that you love them

EX) The baby cuddled up with a pillow.


bond 유대

something that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea

EX) The bond between a mother and a child is extremely strong.


Make amends 보상해주다.

to do something to show you are sorry for hurting or upsetting someone, especially something that makes it better for them

EX) If you did something wrong, make amends to the person.


stubborn 완고한, 고집스러운

determined not to change your mind, even when people think you

are being unreasonable

EX) He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.


take somebody/something for granted ~을 당연시하다

to believe that something is true without making sure

EX) We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.




1. _______ is what makes a marriage successful, not a ceremony or a piece of paper from the state.

2. You learn to appreciate the simple things that are often _______

3. It's important to make _______ after an argument, no matter how small or big.




1.How can people have a strong relationship with others? 🙂

2. Do you think you have a good relationship with your family or friends?

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