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[Intermediate] How To Read A Book A Week - 3 PROVEN Tricks

2019-04-24 18:27

cliché 클리셰, 상투적인 문구[생각]

a saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting

ex) My wedding day - and I know it's a cliché - was just the happiest day of my life.


Implementation 이행, 시행

the act of putting a plan into action or of starting to use something

ex) Leadership is about the ability to implement change.


set up (어떤 일이 있도록) 마련하다

to make the arrangements that are necessary for something to happen

ex) I’ve set up a meeting for Friday.


chunk 몇 개의 덩어리로 나누다

divide (something) into chunks

 ex) chunk four pounds of pears


break something ↔ down 나누어지다

to separate something into smaller parts so that it is easier to do or understand

ex) The question can be broken down into two parts.


segment 부분

a part of something that is different from or affected differently from the whole in some way

ex) She cleaned a small segment of the painting.


Temptation bundling  유혹묶기 전략 (하고 싶은 일과 꼭 해야하지만 하기 싫은 일을 묶어서 하는 것)

That idea is called “temptation bundling,” a term coined by Wharton Professor Katy Milkman: ultimately, you combine something that needs to be done with something you want to do.




I’d like to _______ a time on Monday to interview you for a position.

The total workforce has been _______  by Standard Occupational Classification.

I've learned that the _______  about life not being fair is true




(1) How often do you read?

(2) What kind of books do you like?

(3) According to the video What are the tricks for reading a book a week?? Do you have your own trick?

(4) What would life be like without books?





How to read a book a week? As cliché as it sounds we all know that people who read succeed. I mean look at the numbers. Eighty-five percent of millionaires read at least two books per month while 25 percent of the entire American population hasn't even read a single book all of last year. what's the best way to actually get yourself to start reading and at a good pace so that you can succeed too. Well, you can basically guarantee that you'll read a book a week by taking advantage of three psychological tricks.


The first is something called implementation intention. Basically setting an appointment see the biggest problem when it comes to reading is actually getting started. So many people buy books that they're interested in and say to themselves oh I'll definitely read this and guess what the book just sits there on their shelf never to be touched again. By physically writing down the time and place of when you'll start reading a book you're essentially setting up an appointment to do so. And think about it. We don't really miss our appointments. When was the last time you completely skip a job interview or a visit to your doctor. Sure you might have been late but when you set an appointment you know that you have to show up and you usually do.


The second psychological trick – reading a book a week is to use what's called chunking. Basically breaking down a big task into smaller ones. One of the main reasons people start reading books and never finish is because the task seems way too big. It feels like we can't do it just take a look at the average non-fiction book which is about 200 pages long. How long do you think it takes to read that entire thing in one sitting? You're probably thinking 10, 15 hours maybe? Well in reality the average human can read a 200 page book in about five hours which means you really only have to spend 45 minutes a day reading which probably accounts to just a chapter or two. So instead of saying okay I'm gonna read tomorrow right out of lunch at home. It's much more effective to say okay I'll read the next chapter tomorrow after lunch at home. When you break down a book - its chapters and even further - its subsections which most nonfiction books have then your brain will no longer see it as a huge obstacle that you have to overcome instead of thinking oh my god this is gonna take forever. You'll think ah that's easy I can definitely do that.


And finally the last psychological trick to reading a book a week is to use what's called temptation bundling basically taking a task that you don't enjoy that much and it's touching it to something that you really really enjoy. For example you can tell yourself that after every chapter or subsection of a chapter you read you're gonna reward yourself with the next episode or the next segment of that TV show you love watching. By doing this just a couple of times it will actually start to feel good to read because your brain will start to associate it with something very pleasurable. It's gonna think wow every time I read a chapter or subsection I feel great after. Now what you might find is that you actually start to read more chapters than you need. By combining all of these three tricks you'll end up with something like this. Okay tomorrow after lunch at home I'll read the next chapter of my book and for every chapter I read I get to watch the next segment of the new episode of Game of Thrones. Try this out and I guarantee that you'll find yourself reading a lot more.



set up

broken down


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