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[Beginner] How to stop negative thinking once and for all

2018-12-19 15:54


★ flatten out 평평해지다, 쫙 펴다

To become flat

Ex) The picture flattened out after being under that big textbook for a few hours.


identify 확인하다, 알아보다, 알아내다

to recognize someone or something

Ex) Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.


identify something with something 동일시하다

To feel that you are similar to someone in some way

Ex) It is a mistake to identify being healthy with being thin.


bring something to life 생명력을 주다  

To give vigor or vitality to someone or something

Ex) The new CEO’s creative approach really brought that failing company to life.


aversion 혐오감

a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do something

Ex) I felt an instant aversion to his parents


multiply 크게 증가시키다

To increase or to increase something very much in number

Ex) Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.


hold your ground 입장을 견지하다

you continue to support a particular argument or to have a particular opinion when other people are opposing you

Ex) Jason vowed to stand his ground, even if it meant losing his job.


 label 꼬리표를 붙이다

To describe someone or something using a particular word or phrase

Ex) She doesn’t like being labelled as a “woman director”, saying she’s just a director who happens to be a woman.


defeat 패배시키다

To win against someone in a fight, war, or competition

Ex) They defeated the Italian team and reached the final.


dissolve 녹아서 없어지다

To disappear

Ex) The tension in the office just dissolves when she walks out.



1.Greed is my pet _______. / My dog’s pet _______ is visitors, particularly males.

2.Napoleon was __________ by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.

3.I appreciate you holding ______ _______ but it could cost you your job.



1.What is the speaker’s solution to stop stressful thinking?

2.What stresses you out? What are you worried about?

3.What is your own tip to relieve stress or worries?



So your mind is out of control huh? You want to control the mind? Well guess what? You can’t do it. Nobody can do it. Trying to control the mind is like trying to flatten out water. You just make more waves because that’s the nature of the ocean. It has waves, it has crashing. You don’t say there should be no waves in the ocean. Well the natural state of the mind is full of thought, mental noise and once you accept that, the easier it will be to go beyond it. Because you are not the mind.

You have a mind but the problem is you have been identifying with the mind, with your thoughts, for your entire life. If you are the ocean, why would you identify as a wave? It’s just a wave. Well you are that which observes thoughts. Stop identifying as a thought. It’s just a thought. And what is every thought made out of? Nothing. You bring it to life with the attention you give it. See every single day we have fifty to seventy thousand thoughts. But the ones that stress us are the ones we keep putting our attention on but these thoughts don’t have any more strength than any other. Stressful thoughts come like a knock on the door and you keep letting them in. Or you say, “No no I don’t want you to come in. No no no stay out.” And that makes them knock even louder. So both aversion and attraction feed and multiply thoughts. The secret is just don’t mind the mind. Know that this is the natural state of the mind. Don’t feed it. You do that by not trying to control. Just hold your ground and the thoughts will go away. This is the law of the universe. Everything passes. Just stay as the observer of thought. Don’t touch them, don’t resist the thought, label it or create a whole story around the thought. Just stay as the pure awareness. This is a much higher place. Your true place in silence. So yeah thoughts will arise and you feel them. Yeah you’re gonna feel but they will pass. You don’t have to follow them anymore down their rabbit hole. Just remember it’s just a thought. Don’t touch it. Just stop and fix your attention in that silence. Nothing more. Very simple. You don’t have to fight control or defeat the mind. Just stay as you are. How simple is that? Just stay as you are. As the silence in between two thoughts and the mind will dissolve by itself into the nothingness that it really is.





your ground 

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