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[Intermediate] The benefits of exercise

2019-01-09 19:10

*blood glucose 혈당


stroke 뇌졸중

if someone has a stroke, an artery (=tube carrying blood) in their brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may die or be unable to use some muscles

ex) She died following a massive stroke.


cardiovascular 심혈관의

relating to the heart and blood vessels (=tubes through which blood flows around your body)

ex) cardiovascular disease


fracture 골절

if a bone or other hard substance fractures, or if it is fractured, it breaks or cracks

ex) He fractured his right leg during training.


in turn 결국, 결과적으로

as a result of something

ex) Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose.


alongside ~옆에, 함께

next to, or together with:

ex) The new pill will be used alongside existing medicines.


diabetes 당뇨

a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood


keep a diary / an account / a record 기록하다

to make a regular record of events or other information so that you can refer to it later

ex) I've kept a diary for twelve years now.


dementia 치매

a medical condition that affects especially old people, causing the memory and other mental abilities to gradually become worse, and leading to confused behaviour

ex) The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.


relieve 불쾌감·고통 등을 없애주다, 덜어주다

to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings

ex) That medicine acts fast to relieve pain.




1. This could __________ increase the level of unemployment.

2. It can also help __________ their stress in healthy ways .

3. The UK fought  __________ France, Turkey, and Sardinia during the Crimean War.

4. The most common form of __________   is Altzheimer’ s disease




1. Do your exercise regularly for your health?

2. What health problems do you worry about most?

3. What can you do to improve your health?



Whether you're two or 92, you'll benefit from regular exercise. You'd be surprised just how many there are. And the good news is it can be as easy as getting off the bus a little earlier. Introduce active habits to your day and you'll be well on your way. So what are the benefits of regular exercise?


Regular exercise is great for the heart, reducing your risk of stroke and cutting your chance of cardiovascular disease by a third. Why not take a lunchtime walk. Leave your car at home. Or up your walking pace when you're out and about.


Regular exercise keeps your muscles, bones and joints strong which helps prevent injury, falls and fractures. Try doing exercise that strengthen your bones and muscles three times a week.


Exercise burns calories and helps to maintain a healthy weight which in turn reduces your risk of many health problems. But be sure to maintain a healthy balanced diet alongside exercise. Help maintain a healthy weight by walking to the shops or cycling the children to school.


A healthy weight in turn, reduces your risk of certain cancers. In fact you can cut your risk of breast and bowel cancer by up to a quarter if you exercise regularly. If you have children encourage healthy habits and routines from an early age and they'll be more likely to be continue being active through life.


A healthy weight also reduces your chance of diabetes. It's estimated that around 3.2 million people in the UK have it. Regular exercise is hugely important to help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetes keep a diary of your blood glucose levels and your physical activity to see the effect and track your progress.

Exercising regularly is also good for your mind. It's thought that it can reduce your risk of developing depression and dementia. Exercise can help relieve stress and anxiety and improve your mood. Use the great outdoors. It's a hit for your physical and mental health. There's no catch. Start reaping the benefits of exercise today.



in turn / relieve / alongside / dementia

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