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[Intermediate] 5 Biggest Regrest People Have Before Death

2018-11-13 03:06

irony 아이러니, 역설

if you talk about the irony of a situation, you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast.

Ex) In an irony of war, the soldiers destroyed the country they were supposed to save.


Neglect 방치하다, 도외시하다

To not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility.

Ex) She’s been neglecting her studies this semester.


Unfulfilling 성취감, 충만함을 주지 못하는

Failing to satisfy one’s desires or ambitions

Ex) She had chosen to leave an unfulfilling marriage.


take up (시간을)차지하다, 잡아먹다

If something takes up a particular amount of time, space, or effort, it uses that amont.

Ex) I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time.


Chunk 덩어리

chunks of something are thick solid pieces of it.

Ex) Cut the melon into chunks.


extended family 대가족

a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children.

Ex) We used to live in extended families with support from others but our relationships have changed.


work overtime 야근을 하다

to spend time working at one’s job in addition to one’s normal working hours

Ex) They’re working overtime to get the job on time.


quality time 가족, 친구와 보내는 시간

time that you spend with someone, giving them your full attention because you value the relationship

Ex) He spends quality time with his children every day.


Fam Family의 준말(속어)

(informal) Your family

I brought him home to meet the fam.


grow apart 관계가 자연스레 점점 멀어지다

If two people in a close relationship grow apart, they gradually begin to have a less close relationship, usually because they no longer have the same interests and want the same things

Ex) There was nobody else involved – we just grew apart.


Reignite 다시 불 붙이다

to begin or cause something to begin to burn again

The success of the movie reignited her career.


deferred life plan 해야하는 일을 위해 하고 싶은 일을 미루는 인생 플랜

when you defer doing what you really want to do to do what you feel like you have to do.

I don’t want to follow the deferred life plan where we want to do is put on hold until retirement.



1.(                   ) : to spend time working at one’s job in addition to one’s normal working hours

2.(                   ) : to not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility

3.(                   ) : time that you spend with someone, giving them your full attention because you value the relationship

4.(                   ) : something are thick solid pieces of it.

5.(                   ) : to begin or cause something to begin to burn again



1.What are some things in your life thus far that you regret?

2.Are you having enough quality time with your family and friends?

3.What are some changes you can make in order to live with less regrets?

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