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[Intermediate] How To Wake Up EARLY And Not Feel Tired

2018-11-28 22:44

★pain in the ass 골칫거리
an annoying or tedious person or thing

Ex) That guy is a real pain in the ass.


★sluggish 느릿느릿 움직이는, 부진한
slow-moving or inactive

Ex) Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish.


★bombard 퍼붓다
Attack continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles

Ex) The city was bombarded by federal forces.


★blast 폭발, 폭발시키다
explode or destroy something or someone with explosives

Ex) They heard the guns blasting away all night.


★simulate ~한 체하다, 모의실험하다
imitate the appearance or character of

Ex) In cheap furniture, plastic is often used to simulate wood.


★craving 갈망, 열망, 욕구
a strong feeling of wanting something

Ex) I have a craving for chocolate.


★hands down 확실한
Easily and decisively; without question

Ex) It’s hands down the best movie of the year.


For many of us, waking up early is a huge ______ in the ass.

We’re constantly _________ our body with white light which prevents the production of melatonin.

A lot of us like to _______ our phones in bed and watch TV or even eat and this is bad because our brains look for ____ for habits.

The last tip is ____ ____ the most important and it’s gonna sound rather obvious.


How many hours of sleep do you generally need per night?

Have you ever suffered from insomnia?

What is your own tip for waking up early?



For many of us, waking up early is a huge pain in the ass. Some of us like to address this problem by setting alarm clocks but then we often find ourselves feeling tired and sluggish. So how exactly does one wake up early and not feel tired?


There are three things you need to do in order to wake up early every single day filled with energy and the first is to control your lighting. Sleep is regulated by the hormone melatonin which is affected by the light that hits your skin. A long time ago, before the invention of electric lighting, our bodies used this method to allow us to stay awake when the Sun was out and allow us to feel tired and rest when the Sun went down. However nowadays there’s artificial lighting everywhere in our rooms and on our screens, on our phones. We’re constantly bombarding our body with white light which prevents the production of melatonin. This is why we have such a hard time falling asleep because at hours way past Sunset we still have these screens and indoor lights blasting us with ton of white light. The best way to combat this is by installing app called Flux on your computer also called Twilight on your phone. This app changes the lighting on your screen throughout the day so when the Sun starts to set, it changes light on your screen from white light to yellow light which simulates the Sun setting and it allow melatonin to be produced naturally. Lighting is also very important when it comes to feeling energized and awake in the morning. You want to keep your blinds open so that when the Sun rises the natural white light can hit your body and prevent additional production of melatonin. This will prevent you from feeling sleepy in the mornings.


The second tip is to only use your bed for one thing and one thing only, which is to sleep. A lot of us like to browse our phones in bed and watch TV or even eat and this is bad because our brains look for cues for habits. What this means is that when you do any of these activities in bed your brain starts to associate your bed with eating or watching shows and this causes you to feel craving such as hunger so when you use your bed for only sleep your brain starts associating it with only sleep so the moment you lay in bed instead of feeling hungry or excited due to constantly watching shows or eating in bed you’ll feel tired. If you find yourself having a hard time falling asleep, it’s perfectly okay to read a book. Reading isn’t nearly as stimulating as browsing through your phone or watching TV so you’ll find yourself feeling sleepy in no time.


The last tip is hands down the most important and it’s gonna sound rather obvious. It’s getting enough sleep. The truth for the matter is if you’re not getting enough sleep it doesn’t matter what trick you poke you will wake up feeling tired. Your body needs a certain amount of sleep to function properly it’s just a biological fact so what you need to do is you need to count back nine hours from when you need to wake up and set that as your bed times. So let’s say that you have to leave for work or school at 8a.m. then you need to go to sleep at 11p.m. and this sounds like a common sense but the trick is to always head to bed around the same time every single day. If you do that, then you’ll naturally start feeling tired at around 10p.m. or 11p.m. which makes it very easy for you to fall asleep on time. If you can follow these three concepts, you’ll find yourself waking up earlier and feeling better.


<퀴즈 답>
For many of us, waking up early is a huge pain in the ass.

We’re constantly bombarding our body with white light which prevents the production of melatonin.

A lot of us like to browse our phones in bed and watch TV or even eat and this is bad because our brains look for cues for habits.

The last tip is hands down the most important and it’s gonna sound rather obvious.

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