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[Intermediate] Live Fully Now - Alan Watts

2019-06-19 17:53

transition 변화, 이행

a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens

ex) The health-care system is in transition at the moment.


★  put on (어떤 사람이나 사물에) 영향을 끼치게 한다.

to do something that affects or influences someone or something else

ex) I feel that too much responsibility is put on teachers.


 fool 속이다

to trick someone

ex) I guess you were really the April fool this time.


be of use 쓸모가 있다

to be helpful or useful

ex) The delivery arrived too late to be of use.


inherit 상속받다, 물려받다

to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died

ex) Who will inherit the house when he dies?


the fruit/fruits of something ~의 결실

the good results that you get from something such as hard work

ex) The book is the fruit of years of research.




Advertising aimed at children _______ a lot of pressure on parents.

She _______ a fortune from her grandmother.

I'll let you know if I learn anything _______ to you.




1.Do you enjoy your life?

2.Why is it important to live fully here and now?

3. What life-changing moments have you had in your life?




My goodness don't you remember when you went first to school and you went to kindergarten and in kindergarten, the idea was to push along so to get into first grade and then push along so that you could get into second grade, third grade and so on, going up and up?

And then you went to high school and this was a great transition in life and now the pressure is being put on; you must get ahead, you must go up the grades and finally be good enough to get to college. And then when you get to college, you're still going step by step, step by step, up to the great moment in which you're ready to go out into the world.

And then when you get out into this famous world... Comes... the struggle for success in profession or business and again there seems to be a ladder before you - something for which are reaching all the time.

And then... Suddenly when you are about forty or forty-five years old, in the middle life, you wake up one day and say. “Huh? I've arrived, and by joe, I feel pretty much the same as I've always felt. In fact I'm not so sure that I don't feel a little bit cheated.” Because you see you were fooled. You were always living for somewhere where you aren't.

And while, as I said, it is of tremendous use for us, to be able look ahead in this way and to plan. There is no use planning for a future which when you get to it and it becomes a present, you won't be there. You'll be living in some other future which hasn't yet arrived. And so in this way, one is never able actually to inherit and enjoy the fruits of ones actions.
You can't live at all…Unless you can live fully, Now.” Alan Watts



puts / inherited / of use

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