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Emi P.

Emi 선생님수업은 항상 기다려져요!

2023-02-18 19:19

I have never written about my class review in English.

Because I am diffident and I know my English ability is not perfect at all.

I have Emi's English class  two or three times a week since I started studying English.

I think it is my first time that I have immersed with studying English.

Emi corrects my English sentences I am using incorrectly during the class and gives me the good feedback in the Skype chatroom.

And also CAS English gave me the confidence of studying English.

That's why I try to recommend people who want to study English and improve English skill in particular speaking.

I can say she is one of the greatest teachers in CAS English.

Why don't you start studying English with teacher, Emi in March? 

수업 선생님
Emi P.
프로필 보기
댓글 1
  • 2023-02-20 16:57

    안녕하세요^ ^ 정성껏 영어로 후기 남겨주셔서 너무 감사해요! 적립금 1000점 드릴게요 🙂

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