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2018-07-26 12:22
** All I'm saying is that.. = just my opinion (it's not necessary fact)
angry at = upset
look good in / look good on

옷에 대해 이야기 할 때
all I'm saying is that you don't look good in orange.
오렌지 옷이 안어울린다. (inside clothing)

너는 사진가가 아니다. (잘 못 찍는다)
you don't look good on camera

When I did a part time job, I was angry at rude customers.
= I got angry at rude customers.

** Am I ...ing
- Am I driving fast enough?
somebody wants to know the? going fast enough. or slow down. or speed up
=am I fast (o) 맞긴하지만 명사가 필요함!!
EX) am I walking fast?

- Am I making a cook well?
=> Am I cooking well / Am I good at cooking?

Pronounce => words
pronouncing is action of pronounce how you speak
- I can't pronounce many sentences fast.
=> did(Am) I pronounce that words correctly?

hearse = drive that the car coffin in it.

** Are there any .. = just question. / is there. / are there

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