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2018-07-28 12:24
'Attaboy' means great job!!! Good for you!!!! way to go!!!

1. What do you think is the best age to be?
0-2 : baby
3-4 : toddler
5-12 : childhood
13-19 : teenager
20-35 : young adult
36-55/until 60 : middle age
60-61 : Senior

I think it was elementary student. (=childhood)
I was not worried. Always I was happy.
Because I just went to school and play with my friend.
I had no responsibilities. I don't have to pay the bill. 🙂

faith(paith) : 신앙, 믿음
It depends on person.

2. There is a tradition of choosing leaders who are quite advanced in years.
Do you think that older people make better leaders?

Sometimes, older people don't like change. (=conservative)


level headedness = sensible(합리적인), makes good decisions

3. Some people say that men never grow up, they just get bigger. Do you agree?

I think that men get angry.
and it depends on person, too.

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