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수업복습 with Lynne N. 9/5(월) #Japan Opens Up Its Border

2022-09-11 12:27
Lesson 48 | Japan Announces That It Will Soon Allow Tourists To Visit For The First Time In Two Years

1. 수업복습


-I/We are under a typhoon warning. 힌남노 때문에 비가 많이 와서 무섭다고 얘기함. 이런 current issue를 얘기할 수 있어서 좋다.

You have to stay indoors? When is it supposed to hit?

So there's no school for kids or anything like that. But they don't want people to walk around with no apparent reason.

Did you close your borders for any period of time during the pandemic?

Canada, as almost as bad as Japan. They shut out the rest of the world.

캐나다인 멕시코에 가려고 했더니 Don't travel.

Was it necessary to close their borders for their economy?

나의 질문: 팬데믹 동안 국경을 닫는게 꼭 필요했을까?

US truly they closed thier land borders. They actually never officially closed their doors. Once the flight resumes, everyday Americans who live in Ecuador fly to the US.

Peru, they closed everything.

their economy - down the toilet

Colombia - trucks, they were allowed to cross the borders

질문: What is 'Golden Week'?

Golden week is a collecion of 4 National Holidays within a 7 day span.

You said Thanksgiving is coming up.

How does it operate in South Korea? What do you do? What does it signify?

It is like expressing thanks to our ancestors and visit their graveyard. We tooka deep vow and prepared some food.

Do you picnic there?

It is a big deal.

We truly believe that our ancestors protect us

How come you went there yesterday?

-filleted: [필리티드] 주말에 성묘 다녀온 얘기를 나누다가 동태전을 만들어서 가져갔다고 했더니 설명해 주심.

-fry it: 전 부치다

-meatballs: 동그랑땡을 표현했더니 미트볼이라고 알려주심.

-fried tofu: I can't do tofu. the texture! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 린쌤의 반응에 빵 터짐. 이건 녹화한거 여러번 돌려 봄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 찐반응

Is there any party that goes on cemetery? - 이 질문을 한 이유가 '죽음의 날' 때문이다.

소주, 법화수복 fermented rice soju

인터넷 찾아보니 청주, 사케다.

죽음의 날에 관련된 애니메이션 이름이 생각이 안 났다. 코코 코코 코코! Coco, 2018

3 bands are playing. People are drinking and eating. It is really hard to get a taxi to go home.

-party hardy: 11월 1일이 The Day of the Dead인데 엄청 큰 축제라고 한다. Mexico, huge, parade

They are doing this with their dearly departed.

We have a family tombstone. Where does that put you? Are you with your husband's family?

I want to be cremated. I want my ashes in the ocean.

After you've been to the cemetery, is there anything else you do?

-ritual 차례지내다를 설명할 때 씀

-우리나라에서 추석은 큰 명절, 각 국가마다 명절을 대하는 온도차이가 있다. different mentality, celebration pattern

-kickoff = start

미국 땡스기빙이 크리스마스보다 더 크다. 왜냐하면 휴일의 시작이니까.

캐나다 땡스기빙은 패밀리 디너 정도.

멕시코는 빅 딜, 코스튬이 정말 무섭단다.

Have you ever travelled other countries by yourself?

Would you?


혼자 여행하려면 courage가 필요할거 같다고 하니 confidence 라고 알려주심.

용기와 자신감은 다르구나.

I have no probelm travelling by myself.

질문: What is quiet quitting?

Quiet quitting
Quiet quitting is a term originally coined at a Texas A&M economics symposium on diminishing ambitions in Venezuela on September 17, 2009, by Economist Mark Boldger and a term often used by best selling authors Nick Adams and Economist Thomas Sowell. Wikipedia

Quiet quitting can be seen as a direct opponent to hustle culture – the practice of making every moment count towards working and making money. It shifts the focus back to setting boundaries at work and ensuring a better work-life balance for employees.

Some important aspects of quiet quitting include learning to say “no” to taking on additional responsibilities at work, and not checking emails outside office hours or while on vacation.

2. 관련기사읽기


3. 수업에 다루었던 주제 하나 정해서 작문하기

I was very proud to introduce our Thanksgivine culuture to Lynne. It is wonderful to know that there are defferent celebration patterns around the countries. What is it like to travel other countires by myself? It would be a big challenge for myself and I need a lot of confidence. It gave me insight to realize what I want to do in the near future.

캐스전화영어 수업영상

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