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2021-05-28 16:07

joystick 조이스틱, 조종간

snout (돼지 같은 동물의) 코, 주둥이, 돌출부

cursor (컴퓨터 화면의) 커서

conceptual 개념의

conceptual understanding 개념의 이해

clearly understand/understood 완전히 이해하다/이해했다

be capable of ~을 할 수 있다

interacting with ~와 함께 상호작용하다.


intelligent; Being clever; having the ability to get and use knowledge well.

conducted; carried out; did

simple; Easy to understand; basic

joystick; A small arm used to control and airplane or a video game console

snout; A pig's nose

cursor; The thing computer screen that shows where the mouse is at

journal; A newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activty.

extensive; covering or affecting a large area

round; one of a number of different actions or events

successful; did what you wanted to do

treat; something special you get or give yourself

behavior; the manner in which you act

capable; having the ability to do something

interacting; act in such a way as to have an effect on other people or things

Midterm test 중간고사

Final test 기말고사

It's very little evidence. 이것은 증거가 거의 없다

I looked at the original article. 나는 원래 기사를 보았다.

I don't identify as a vegetarian. 나는 채식주의자라고 생각하지 않는다.

캐스전화영어 수업영상

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