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2021-10-14 개인 공부

2021-10-14 11:07
러닝그라운드 공부
It sounds like it was made up.
It sounds like you guys aren't getting back together anytime soon.
It sounds like fun.
It sounds like a fine idea to me.
It sounds like it was all your fault.
It sounds like people screaming. (?)
It sounds like you need some breakfast.
It sounds like It's coming from up there.

궁금했던 부분 공부
Can you get me some water while you are at it? ~ 하는 김에
Can you bring me a bottle of water while you are at it?
He came at the very last minute.
He only told me that he could make it at the last minute.
Wow, I had so much fun.
That was fun.
I had lots of fun.
I had a blast!
It's epic.

전화해볼까? Should I call him?
우산 안 가져왔다. I didn't bring an umbrella.
나 우산 좀 가져다줘. Can you get me an umbrella?

whip up some snacks 빠르고 간단하게 간식을 만들다
whip up an omelette
Let me whip up some snacks for you.

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