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2018-07-27 08:00
When(Before) I prepared this lesson, I didn't remember this weekend(ㅠㅠ).
I worked this weekend. After that, I was going out for dinner with my mother & boy friend.
We ate grilled pork(beef) meats.
She often eat barbeque (bbq pork chops갈비/bbq pork loin허릿살/baked potato+sour cream/corn on the cob/boil the corn/peaches and cream) in her garden.

Korean usually have barbeque time when they go to a park or a vacation place.

creature of habit (습관, 습성)

1. Life expectancy : How long do I can live
2. demographic : graph > population
★3. prevalence : popular , more common (널리퍼진, 보급)
prevalent : 일반적인 ex. a prevalent view
4. Seniors
5. elderly
6. Excced : more than
7. maturity : She showed mature(ⓐ) acts.
8. person credibility : trust, belief, correct thing

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