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2018-08-04 11:54
album 1. cd 2. photo

cheer for = cheer / support excited

** The point is that .. = the fact.
take seriously <-> funny / flexible / relax
-The point is that she has her dream job.
-Watch out when you cross in the street.
-Work on : dealing , learning , improving something
- I want to be good at English, so I work on study.

What do you never take seriously? = just for fun.

center = middle / centre = building.
choke up = going to started / crying / very emotional
-> when you see the sad movie . you can feel that.

were packed = very full / lot of people.
- I really want to buy toys but I can't afford that.

**How much does it cost to.. = how much is it?
**What are the chances of.. = measuring / measurement / what is going to happen
- What are the chances of (that) winning this game?
- Some situations go wrong.

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