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2018-07-19 06:32
I was preparing pictures for Anne to explain my mother's pot plant.
But we are talking other issues. So I sent her that after lesson.

Her good sayings : If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
My good sayings : If you do not live as you're thinking, you may think as you're living.

Something that I can do for getting a job.
-Write a job list
-Don't worry : house rental(ⓐX, ⓝ사용료)/rent(ⓝ집세,방세) , earning
If you really want to go to Seoul, you can find better method.
For example, you will borrow your friend's house room for about six month.
After, you can get your house.
It really depend on my will.(의지)

I will explain the differences between Seoul and Daegu.
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