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2018-07-19 10:25
In Korea, It was so hot. 37 degree.
In Canada, It was nice weather. 20-25 degree, today. And It was under 30 degree these day.
This is usually summer's air condition in Canada.

I also worked. So I explain the yesterday named '초복'.
(Not holidays, just written in(연음:륏!인) calender)
Korean eat chicken. We think it gives us to get a power.
I ate this outside in restaurant. Because It takes a long time when I make it. And It's hot food.
They need the heating.

She studied math. She hates it. But, It must be done if she has a degree.
It's so high expenses in university.

When I was in first grade in university, I was in dormitory.
Before I go to there, I think that I will have better university activities.
But I was not attend in class(=skip class), just playing and no studying.
My first grade was not good. So I repeated this classes.

I left of university(leave of absence) for 3 years after first grade.
So I was growing up in mental in this time. When I came back, I studied so hard, not playing.

She tells me 'Israel' people. After they graduated in high school, They became 'army'(soldiers).
It took two years. So they grow up in mental like me.

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