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Matthew 쌤 수업 복습(9월 7일)

2022-09-07 10:21
수업에서 배운 부분, 표현 공부

My friend likes to play poker.

I'm not the type of person who gambles with money.

Ex. I like to gamble when I play cards - it makes it more intersting.
=> He said we should gamble because it makes the game more interesting.

Ex. He gambles on the horses.

Ex. He gambles away all of our savings.

Even though I didn't know the rules I learned them quickly through the phone.

lessen fatigue

I wondered what a good amount of microbreaks would be appropriate within a day.

There are times when I'm so focused...

I think it's a good idea to stand up or walk around after sitting so long.


I just turn the alarm off.

I'm not really involved in that group chat.

break alarm to notify the class ...

I switched churches.

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