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수업복습 with Lynne N. 9/7(수) #alcohol commercials

2022-09-11 13:40
Lesson 10 Should alcohol commercials be banned from TV? 주류 광고는 TV에서 금지되어야 하나요?

1. 수업복습

I'd like to hear your perspective since you are a mom.

Alcohol commercials are really sexy and appealing.

쌤이 이렇게 얘기하실 때 웃음이 터졌던게

나는 주류광고를 생각하면 공유가 테라 맥주를 마시면서 맥주회오리에 온 몸이 감싸지는 모습이 떠올랐는데, 선생님은 섹시한 여자가 나온 광고를 생각했나보다.

그런데 얘기하면서 처음처럼 이효리가 광고했던게 떠올랐다. 그치그치. 소주 광고는 핫한 여자 연예인이 나오는거 맞다. 점차 소주 도수가 내려가면서 아이유, 수지 이렇게 더 청순한 이미지를 선호했던거 같네.

Scientific research, health agencies and universities have, over the decades, been able to demonstrate a correlation between alcohol beverage advertising and alcohol consumption, especially among initially non-drinking youth.

You mean more advertising, more consumption.

나는 술 광고를 보고서 술을 먹고 싶다고 생각해본 적이 없어서 이 부분에 대해서 생각을 할 시간이 필요했다.

Sexy alcohol commercial, what do you think?

Personally, I do not get attracted by those advertisements.

그런데 화장품 광고는 영향을 받는거 보니, 맞네 맞네 맞네.

립스틱이나 파운데이션 광고를 보면 모델처럼 되고 싶다.

어린 친구들이 술 광고를 보면서 마셔볼까 생각하지 않을까? Maybe we should try it?

이렇게 얘기하는 사람들이 있단다.

I like drinking because it makes me 'unshy'.

I think that's a warning bell.

someone drinks drink to lose their inhibition: a nervous feeling that prevents you from expressing your thoughts, emotions, or desires

Does that mean they could potentially have a problem with alcohols?

I'm cool when I drink.

That worries me.

waning bell = red flag goes up. You can't go out friends without haveing a drink?

Red flag went up.

This could lead to the big trouble, as you get older.

지금은 한 잔이 다음에는 다섯 잔이 될 수 있음.

의존성과 중독

dependence, addiction

Does media influence people's perception?

When you drink soju, I would be pretty like 제니.

You are manipulated by media in general.

What are the pros for drinking alcohols?

It makes you laugh and relaxed.

A glass of wine is good for your heart health.

What are the negatives?

간건강, 위건강, 잇몸건강


돈도 많이 듬

How is alcohol different from illegal drugs?

마리화나와 알코올의 차이는?

behind closed doors.

캐나다에서 마리화나는 암환자에게 브라우니, 쿠키, 젤리에 넣어서 먹는용도로 처방을 해준다고 한다.

소주 24도 degrees 아니고 percent

Drinking helps socializing?

They cross the line. They are too relaxed.

이십여명이 집에 놀러왔을 때 술이 없을 때 Do they have fun?

어른들은 술이 필요하겠다 싶다.

그런데 술이 없어도 재밌게 노는 그룹이 있다.

남편 친구들은 술을 마시지만 엄청 마시지는 않는다.

His friends have the same tendencies.

25년전만해도 어릴적에 아빠 심부름으로 술을 살 수 있었다고 얘기하니 깜짝 놀라심.

I was able to experiment at a young age.

No biggie.

Do you think there is a lot of underage drinking going on?

Kids in highschool, there would be a lot of parties without parents?

Where there's a will, there is a way.

어떻게든 술을 구해서 마시지 않을까.

2. 관련기사읽기


3. 수업에 다루었던 주제 하나 정해서 작문하기
It is always fun to have a class with Lynne because she brings up topics that I've never given a deep thought before. I am a person who gets easily influenced by advertising. Soju advertisement keeps saying that if you buy our soju you can be pretty. This is a different story anyway. I love to be around people who can drink a glass of cold beer with food. It makes me relaxed. Excessive drinking ends up being ugly. Drink in moderation is important to keep our manners.

캐스전화영어 수업영상

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