수업 자료
Random Questions
(1) 수업 때 배운 표현 정리
meek and mild 성격이 온순하다
break in 침입하다
break through ~을 극복하다
(2) 수업과 관련된 기사나 글 읽고 공부
cruddy 더러운, 저질의
-Think about doing this: head into a really poor part of a really cruddy town and just wait at a location that has a reputation for being robbed.
deliberately 고의로, 의도적으로
-What if you deliberately choose someone who was been mean to your family or someone who kicks puppies?
materialize 구체화되다, 실현된다
-You could just sneak in, grab an empty seat, and materialize.
(3) 수업 때 대화했던 내용 중 주제를 하나 정하여 작문
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
As any other kids, I used to dream a lot about this fantasy.
And Obviously, like all the other kids, l imagined about robbing a bank.
Being invisible doesn't make me a villain, but I ended up imagining bad things.
I don't think this way any more. I'd like to do cool things that are hard to do on ordinary days.
For example, traveling in first class -it's only one day so only a short trip would be possible-, going to a expensive show, staying at a luxury hotel.
They are still crimes in a way but nobody won't get hurt!