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Emma샘 10/9 수업 복습

2022-10-10 23:36
수업 자료
Random Questions: Friend

(1) 수업 때 배운 표현 정리
when I turned 20 (in X)
once in two weeks = fortnightly = biweekly

(2) 수업과 관련된 기사나 글 읽고 공부
indicate 지시하다
- But we’re talking about the word “good” that indicates someone is a quality friend — or the opposite of a bad friend.
actions speak louder than words
yearn 갈망하다, 동경하다
- we yearn for the company of other people.

(3) 수업 때 대화했던 내용 중 주제를 하나 정하여 작문
Why do you think your best friend is your best friend?
It's been more than 20 years since I met my BFF in elementary school.
I forgot why we became friends then, but we just liked to hang out and spent lots of time together after school.
She moved to another city and even went to study abroad when we were in elementary schoool, so it seemed hard to maintain our relationship.
But thanks to her, we were able to keep in touch by phone calls and emails.
It's an effort of her that we can keep our friendship and still be friends.
I really thank her for all this.
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