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ChatGPT는 로스쿨과 경영대학원 시험을 통과했습니다.

ChatGPT passes exams from law and business schools

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문장을 읽어보세요. 뜻이 궁금하면 클릭해서 한국어 번역을 확인해보세요!

한국어 번역은 AI에 의해 생성되며, 오류가 있을 수 있습니다. 참고용으로 사용해주세요.

OpenAI's ChatGPT has passed law exams in four courses at the University of Minnesota and another exam at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, with average grades of a C+ student and a B to B- grade respectively. This raises concerns about students cheating on exams using the tool.
ChatGPT was created to generate answers to user prompts and has been used to write essays, stories, research paper abstracts, emails, and do accounting work. It's trained on vast amounts of online data, but there are concerns about its inaccuracies and the potential to perpetuate biases and spread misinformation. Some schools have already banned the use of ChatGPT by students and teachers.
Law Professor Jon Choi from the University of Minnesota sees the most promising use case for ChatGPT as human-AI collaboration, and believes that AI assistants will become standard tools for lawyers in the near future. Professor Christian Terwiesch from Wharton sees the tool as having a place in the classroom, but restrictions are needed for students taking tests.

AI 스터디가 적용된 교재입니다. 를 눌러보세요!
Respectively  (adverb)

in a particular order corresponding to a previous list or statement

The two scientists won Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry, respectively.

Vast  (adjective)

Extremely large in size, amount, or extent

The vast desert stretches for miles without any signs of life.

Misinformation  (noun)

False or incorrect information

The spread of misinformation on social media can have serious consequences.

Potential  (noun)

Possibility for future growth, development, or achievement

Mr. Jackson has unlimited potential as a leader.

Perpetuate  (verb)

Continue or cause to continue indefinitely

The cultural traditions will be perpetuated through future generations.

Collaboration  (noun)

Joint effort of two or more people or organizations

Effective collaboration between departments is crucial for success.


1. What is OpenAI's ChatGPT and what was it created for?

2. What is the main concern about OpenAI's ChatGPT and its use in educational settings?

3. What are some of the possible uses for ChatGPT according to the law professor from the University of Minnesota?

AI 스터디가 적용된 교재입니다. 를 눌러보세요!

1. What are the potential benefits of using AI technology like ChatGPT in education?

2. Are there ethical considerations to take into account when using AI technology like ChatGPT in the classroom?

3. Can AI like ChatGPT perpetuate biases and spread misinformation? How can these be addressed?

4. What role should human-AI collaboration play in education and other fields?

5. How should restrictions be put in place for students taking exams with the assistance of AI technology?

6. What are some potential limitations of using AI technology like ChatGPT in education and other fields?

7. How will the integration of AI technology like ChatGPT impact the job market and the workforce in the future?

이전 교재다음 교재

in a particular order corresponding to a previous list or statement

The two scientists won Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry, respectively.
여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료

Extremely large in size, amount, or extent

The vast desert stretches for miles without any signs of life.
여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료

False or incorrect information

The spread of misinformation on social media can have serious consequences.
여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료

Possibility for future growth, development, or achievement

Mr. Jackson has unlimited potential as a leader.
여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료

Continue or cause to continue indefinitely

The cultural traditions will be perpetuated through future generations.
여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료

Joint effort of two or more people or organizations

Effective collaboration between departments is crucial for success.
여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
1 / 6

What are the potential benefits of using AI technology like ChatGPT in education?

여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
힌트 보기

Are there ethical considerations to take into account when using AI technology like ChatGPT in the classroom?

여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
힌트 보기

Can AI like ChatGPT perpetuate biases and spread misinformation? How can these be addressed?

여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
힌트 보기

What role should human-AI collaboration play in education and other fields?

여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
힌트 보기

How should restrictions be put in place for students taking exams with the assistance of AI technology?

여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
힌트 보기

What are some potential limitations of using AI technology like ChatGPT in education and other fields?

여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
힌트 보기

How will the integration of AI technology like ChatGPT impact the job market and the workforce in the future?

여기를 눌러 나만의 문장을 만들어보세요!

교정 결과

작성 완료
힌트 보기
1 / 7
잘했어요:) AI스터디를 완료했어요!
AI 스터디 이용약관에 동의해주세요.
1. AI 스터디는 캐스영어 수업과 별도로, 캐스영어 회원과 캐스영어 수강생에게 무료로 제공되는 서비스입니다.

2. AI 서버의 문제, 회사의 사정 등 여러 이유로 AI 스터디 기능이 중지될 수 있으며, 언제든 AI 스터디 서비스가 종료될 수 있습니다.

3. AI 스터디의 교정문은 대체로 정확하나, 학습된 데이터로 결과물을 출력한다는 특성으로 인해 오류가 있는 교정문을 출력할 수 있습니다.

4. 유저가 입력한 문장과 교정문은 익명으로 AI 학습에 활용될 수 있으며, 다른 유저와 공유되어 학습자료로 활용될 수 있습니다. 민감한 개인정보를 입력하지 말아주세요.

5. AI 스터디의 목적에 부합하지 않는 내용을 입력하는 경우 AI 스터디 이용이 제한될 수 있습니다.

6. 욕설 혹은 타인을 비방하는 표현은 입력이 금지되며, 입력하는 경우 AI 스터디 이용이 제한될 수 있습니다.

마지막 업데이트: 2023/09/14
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