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이렇게 활용하세요☝🏻

비즈니스 현장에서 자주 쓰이는 표현과 단어를 학습하세요.

Lesson 10   |   Business Email (5) – Making and confirming arrangements  

Lesson 9   |   Business Email (4) – Exchanging information  

Lesson 8   |   Business Email (3) – Requesting Action  

Lesson 7   |   Business Email (2) - Inquiries  

Lesson 6   |   Business Email (1) – Introduction to writing business emails   

Lesson 5   |   Business conversation(1)  

Lesson 4   |   Business Meeting (1)   

Lesson 3   |   Telephone Call (3) – Asking for clarification  

Lesson 2   |   Telephone call (2) – Setting up a meeting  

Lesson 1   |   Telephone call(1) – Leaving a message  

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